Andi Burger Subject: SURVEYOR LUNAR VEHICLE video
Hello Apolloreality I was watching your videos some years ago, that's why I remembered your channel's name. There is unison among scientists, that space is full of stardust, which is constantly falling upon all heavenly bodies. This stardust is accumulating over the millenia and should also be seen on the moon. Given, scientists disagree(d) over the exact amount of it; but it should be visible, at least an inch or so. Now the specialty of dust on the moon, moondust, is how it is distributed (on the real moon). It should be distributed EVENLY. That's not how we perceive it on the Apollo-pics. On those fake pictures the dust is remarkably missing on top of stones, rocks and boulders. It should have given the impression of freshly fallen and undisturbed snow, because on the moon there is neither wind nor weather like on earth to clean the surfaces. Moreover moondust has only one sixth the weight as earthdust. The only disturbances could have been from meteorites and the like, but that should leave unmistakable traces, and should also hit flat surfaces and rocky surfaces alike, with no tailwind following the meteorites.You can distribute this new finding as you like, in fact for this reason am I writing these lines, because I do not have the necessary skills for that.
Author: Lack of Moon dust on the rocks, is referenced on the APOLLO FACTS page.