I wish everyone would be open minded enough to read this web site..... And understand like I did!! Thank you so much to whoever created this site. Hope we learn more about this very soon. I'm gonna keep on spreading the news because..... No ONE knows about the truth! Is there a lot of people out there that knows about this? Or is it just us, like 10% of humans? Here at work, I asked my collegues what they thought of it... and they ALL said "Come on, the Moon isn't that far, of course the Americans went.... ( try to prove your point....) I'm 23, they are adults!! They all think its funny that I think differently.. they laugh, I just keep on reading... I wanna learn every single thing I can, and will be able to prove it one day. To me, just the pictures... hey, the pictures, they are so obvisously fake. I did read most of the links on your site, great research.