Subject: Criminal Conspiracy
What a superb site: exhaustive research and categoric proof that NASA (Nasty Axis Scandal Agency) faked all the Apollo missions. No human has ever ventured beyond low Earth orbit. 500,000 miles round trip without refuelling, using the technology of forty years ago---wow! No tension in any of the astronots voices and movements---like they were holidaying in Honolulu, and not the first humans ever to walk (wired!) on an alien planet. A hitchless program, except for Apollo 13's joke of a publicity stunt mission. We must keep up the pressure until, as the late great Bill Kaysing said, Apollo is exposed, then everything else will unravel like Pandora's box: IRS/CIA/NASA/Pentagon/White House etc. finally on the runs (sic) and fugitives to a new, real, democratic, people's justice system.